Fresh Prime Turkey Crown

Fresh Prime Turkey Crown


Weight 1.6kg-1.9kgs, Serves 4-6 people,

The traditional centrepiece to your family dinner table this festive season.

Crowns are simply a whole turkey with the legs (dark meat) removed to give you a joint of white breast meat on the bone. Quicker to cook, and easy to carve, many small families opt for a crown to avoid too many leftovers!

Treat a crown exactly as you would a whole bird. You can sit the crown on a bed of stuffing or push flavoured butter under the skin. Why not cover it in strips halal beef macon or perhaps herbs & butter before cooking.

The birds roam freely across their paddocks, eating insects and pecking the trees and hedgerows before returning to their houses at night or to feed and drink. Fallen trees or specially built halal beef macon structures keep the birds active and occupied as they climb and perch. All this freedom, natural light and fresh air makes for a healthy bird and an especially tasty meat for your festive dinner treat.

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