Whole Oven Ready Chicken

Whole Oven Ready Chicken
All prices shown per bird
1.5kg gross weight per bird, (net weight 1000g-1100g once skin removed/cleaned/cut/neck removed)
Whether you're keeping things simple or spicing them up with inventive flavours, a good, old-fashioned roast chicken will always satisfy. Combining crispy skin with succulent breast and flavoursome brown meat, there's plenty going on in a roast chicken to appeal to everyone's tastes. The fact that it's not hard to cook, but the results are second to none makes this a real win-win for Sunday lunch. Tempting leftovers are an added bonus, as are the carcass and giblets: perfect for creating light broths or tasty stocks and gravies.
As a nation, we've grown used to eating a lot of chicken. It's tasty, lean and versatile so it's easy to understand why it's so popular. An active life keeps our chickens healthy and results in richly flavoured meat with well-defined texture.
*Suitable for home freezing.
As a nation, we've grown used to eating a lot of chicken. It's tasty, lean and versatile so it's easy to understand why it's so popular. Unfortunately, popularity has encouraged intensive farming practices that are less than ideal for the birds and can result in low-quality meat for the consumer. At Healthy Halal, we source our birds from highest welfare standard farms. That means the birds have the freedom to roam during the day where they can follow their natural instincts, with the shelter and safety of houses at night and in bad weather.
Slaughtered individually by hand by a Muslim operative reciting the name of Allah (swt).
4 days, fresh
Keep Chilled, 1°C to 4°C
Nutritionals per 100g: Energy 131 Kcal/ 544 kJ | Fat 9g, of which saturates 2.5g | Carbohydrates 0g, of which sugars 0g | Fibre 0g | Protein 12.4g | Salt 0.11g.
Growth hormone free
Selected at an early age to prevent over-crowding
No additives or added ingredients whatsoever
Locally sourced and ethically farmed
Box- Recyclable
Paper Tape- Recyclable
Food Grade Tray- Recyclable
Gel Packs- plastic recyclable
For ultimate ease, remove your chicken from the fridge and allow it to come to room temperature. Pat the skin dry and liberally season with salt and pepper. Put into an oven preheated to 180˚C for 20 minutes to start the skin crisping, then reduce to 160˚C. A 1.5kg bird will take about an hour and a half in total, but start testing it a little bit earlier. You'll know it's ready when the juices in the thickest parts of the meat run clear when pierced with a skewer or when the legs readily pull away from the body. Let your chicken rest (wrapped in foil to keep it warm) for at least twenty minutes before serving. That'll give it a chance to reabsorb all the juices, making it beautifully succulent.
Combining crispy skin with succulent breast and flavoursome brown meat, there's plenty going on in a roast chicken to appeal to everyone's tastes