Beef Cheek

Beef Cheek

from £3.99

All prices shown per pack, pack size variable

Taken literally from the cheek of the beef animal, this is a muscle that's done a lot – and we mean a lot – of work. Think of all the chewing a cow does! But don't be mistaken, this doesn't mean it's a tough cut, it means it's a full-flavoured and robust, falling apart into defined strands when cooked slowly and delicately. Exceptional and exquisite.

Our beef cheeks have been hand-prepared from top-quality grass-fed beef high in Omega 3 and natural vitamins. Grass-fed beef has a better ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6, is high in antioxidants such as vitamin E and contains higher vitamin and mineral levels. Eating meat from animals that themselves have only eaten a natural diet of grass, wildflowers, clovers and legumes, rich in essential vitamins and minerals and untainted by chemicals and pesticides, makes a whole lot of sense. It’s a healthy choice to make.

*Suitable for home freezing.

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